Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spiritual Prayer and Prayerfulness


Overflow ~ The Prayerful Heart

May 22, 2019

Saying For Today: Prayer arises from Silence. Before there is a prayer, there is Prayer. Silence prays.

On Pure Prayer arising directly from the Heart of everyone, everything, in the overflow of Prayerfulness.


Living in LOVE beyond Beliefs



Prayer arises from Silence. Before there is a prayer, there is Prayer. Silence prays. Pure Prayer is prayer directly from the Heart, pure of thought and action, before mind. When praying from the Heart, one cannot rightly say, "Prayer arose from my heart," for in Pure Prayer the heart is the Heart of everyone, everything, all Creation. In this, rather than saying, "I pray," better, "Prayer prays within and through me." Yet, this Prayer is never located in the self, the self is located within this Prayer.


Pure Prayer
is the overflow
of the Prayerful Heart

~ not a Prayerful Heart...
there is One ~

such Prayerfulness
remains hidden in Silence

never reaching mind
or its understanding

never passing from tongue
into expression ~
like a musical opus
with no instruments

~ Something took my hand
and led me into the Night
I heard the most enchanting barking
but there was no dog anywhere...
my heart leaped and danced for Joy everywhere ~

~ sometimes
music, like Prayer, and that barking, just is ~
there is Love music and Love barking, the same

this Prayer
never comes from anywhere
never goes anywhere

~ there are birds
that fly in a cloudless Sky ~

we could say
"This is not Prayer"
for how could this be called anything?

for anything spoken pretends to arise from understanding
yet, this, like "God," is beyond understanding
for this, like "God," is prior to understanding
so, this is beyond, for prior to, misunderstanding

like Grace
this is
nothing and not nothing

Could we just end this intoxicated, senseless talk by saying
"This is Grace...
This is Love reaching into Love
to fulfill Its desire to experience Intimacy with Itself"?

~ All the mystics know
have always known
God wants to make Love with God,
otherwise, why would God assume a body? ~

but please
do not think it is Love
as you have ever understood
or could ever understand Love

drink beyond understanding
until you become the intoxication
imbibe past all religion, everything,
you may possibly see into what I have been hinting at

If you do not know
about that barking in the Night without a dog,
you have not imbibed enough of Life
flowing from pure Spaciousness Itself

I stepped into a Well
and became the Water
I was baptized in... like birds in that Sky



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*(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2019. Brian can be contacted at 77ahavah77@gmail.com .


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spiritual Prayer and Prayerfulness

©Brian Wilcox 2025